DIY Nail Polish Rack

I built this magnificent nail polish rack for roughly $8. $4 spent on 2 foam boards at Hobby Lobby, $2 spent on hot glue sticks and $2 spent on ribbon.

There are tutorials on YouTube for a rack similar to mine but I will give the information on how to build one like mine. Sorry, I didn’t take picture while I was making it but it really is super easy and the payoff is huge! Racks like the one I built cost around $90 online.


2 foam boards – I bought mine at Hobby Lobby for $1.99 each in white. You can choose the color of your choice

Hot glue gun – You can buy one at almost any craft store, Wal Mart etc

Bag of hot glue sticks – You can find them next to glue at most stores. FYI -they cost 2x more at Hobby Lobby then they did at Wal Mart

Ribbon – This is optional but the board looks unfinished if you don’t cover the edges. 1 roll of ribbon with the width greater than 1″. 1 roll of ribbon about 1/3″ or you can use the same thicker ribbon. Up to you.


On the first foam board, measure and cut 2 – 30″ x 2″ pieces the length of the board. These two pieces will serve as the sides of your rack. Leave the rest of the board which should measure about 30″ by 16″ alone for the back.

Second foam board cut 7 – 16″ x 2″ and 6 – 16″ x 1″. The 2″ pieces will serve as the shelves and the 1″ pieces you will glue to the front to keep the polishes from sliding out.

Mark lines 5″ apart on the largest piece (there should be 5 lines) where you will glue the 2″ shelves perpendicular onto the back board.

Heat your glue gun, have several sticks close to you while you work.

Start by gluing the outer pieces first. This will sort of give you a box.

Glue the shelves  on the lines you drew earlier.

Once you glue each shelf squeeze glue along the edges where the shelves meet the back for additional support. Make sure you glue each shelf to the side board.

Now glue the 1″ pieces to the front of each shelf so that the polishes do not slide out once the shelf is hung.

Cut your ribbon and glue to the front of each 1″ board and the sides.

There are several options on hanging your rack, I simply screwed through the board onto the wall. If you are a visual person or didn’t understand my instructions, search for “DIY Nail Polish Rack” on Youtube. You will be happy you did.

DulceCandy made a wood version. See her tutorial here

Good luck if you attempt to make your own!


5 thoughts on “DIY Nail Polish Rack

  1. Just found this post and I have been wanting to make one of these for a only question is did you use a high or low temp glue gun and would it matter either way?

    1. I don’t believe it would matter either way. Just be prepared to go through a lot of glue! Once my shelves were cooled, I reinforced each one by gluing where the shelves meet the back and it has held up like a champ! Even trough a move it’s incredibly sturdy

  2. I just saw this post and am really excited to try it. I was just wondering what size were the foam boards you purchased? Thanks!

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